Perfectly located for all your oral needs; we will help you maintain your natural teeth for life.
With an aspiration to aesthetically enhance the appearance of your smile, Brunswick Dental Group is the dental practice for you. We strive to exceed your expectations and create the smile of your dreams.
The entire team at Brunswick Dental Group is here to help you and your family achieve optimum oral health. As professional health care providers, we see our role as helping you develop and implement effective care routines to keep you healthy, smiling and looking good for life. As a patient of Brunswick Dental Group, your well-being is our highest priority.
Re-establishing smiles to be beautiful and healthy is simple when utilising porcelain veneers. Teeth that are chipped, discoloured, have gaps or misaligned often cause people to feel embarrassed and self-conscious. Porcelain veneers hide undesirable defects that can be caused by a wide variety of reasons such as sporting injuries or root canal treatment.
Crowns are made from high quality, natural looking porcelain to improve your smile and blend naturally with your own teeth. Crowns are designed to strengthen and protect the remaining tooth structure, improve the tooth’s overall appearance as well as restore former strength, function and natural appearance.