
“No matter how long you have smoked, or how many times you’ve tried to quit, or what methods you have tried, we have a solution that works. In fact, it works with the vast majority of patients and it could work for you.
Forget patches, forget pills, forget gum and forget suffering through terrible withdrawal. It’s just not needed, and it usually doesn’t work anyway.
There are 3 huge problems with how most people try (and fail) to quit smoking
– Most methods are hard… like really REALLY hard, you have to be super organised, they have nasty side effects, and are often uncomfortable.
– Most methods replace one bad habit with another… Patches, gum and pills are supposed to slowly wean you off cigarettes, but in reality they keep you addicted to nicotine making it incredibly difficult to actually quit when the time comes (no wonder why they have such a low success rate)
Most methods are not tailored to your specific needs… everyone is different, and your specific needs and your thoughts that drive your decisions (both good and bad) are your own, that’s why every client of ours is treated differently.
– For a quit smoking method to work, it needs to address the real issues, and be so easy to follow that you can manage it while drunk (yes, that’s correct, it still works when you are drunk).
It’s time to put an end to this smoking nonsense once and for all!
Go from 2 packs a day to zero… in 1 hour flat!”

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