
6 tips for successful marketing with Instagram

In 2019, 1B users worldwide used Instagram once; around 600 million photos are published daily. This makes Instagram one of the most popular applications – measured by the number of users, it has even topped Twitter recently. Last year Instagram started with sponsored posts in Germany and is becoming increasingly important for the job of the online marketing manager . However, to be able to use Instagram effectively for marketing purposes, there are a few basic tricks that we have summarized for you.

Use creative tools

Instagram is a highly visual medium – so get creative! Use the myriad of filters, special effects and editing options that Instagram has to offer. Make sure that your content is as exciting as possible, but visually recognizable. For example, use the same filters, perspectives or colors that reflect your corporate design. And above all: play with the square format. Since Instagram has said goodbye to the given square, there are no limits to the format!

Mix photos and videos

The currently most popular tactic in relation to marketing via Instagram is to insert some videos between the standardized photos. It has been proven that moving image content can generate up to three times more inbound links than static content. This is where the big magic word of storytelling comes into play, which is simplified in many ways by short videos than by individual pictures. Due to the editing options of Instagram, the creation of videos is no longer rocket science. It is even possible to pause a recording and continue with another scene, as here simply and creatively using the example of McDonalds.

Establish your own hashtag

For every new campaign or new product, it is worth developing your own, creative hashtag that is recognizable. This is often the product or brand name itself. Short slogans, statements or requests for interaction have also had a great impact in the past. With the #makebikeportraits campaign, Levis Germany managed to get around 6000 Instagrammer to post photos with their bicycles and to link Levis.

Get More Instagram Followers

The most important factor for Instagram marketing is the number of followers you have. The number of followers reflects the reputation of your brand to others. People who visit your account through any source, first of all, see the number of followers of your account.

Therefore, you need to work hard to get enough followers that may present your account as a well-reputed brand to the new users. If you can build a large following in less time, you can buy real Instagram followers and get more people engaging your posts and stories.

Link and link cross-media

Use the opportunity to link your Instagram account to your website or other social media profiles of your company using a short link on your profile in order to collect leads or to refer to more extensive content. Unlike on other platforms, it is also quite common on Instagram to refer to third-party or even competing companies. If you want your own number of followers to grow as quickly as possible, it is best to follow and tag everyone who is active and well-known in your own industry or who has common interests and skills. At best, the result is more attention and increasing numbers of followers and minds for everyone involved.

Find influencers

Find opinion leaders and make them an innovative showcase for your products and services especially in the areas of nutrition. There are thousands of Instagrammer fashion and beauty with countless followers who are looking for cooperation with companies. These opinion leaders are the direct route to your target group, as your followers trust you blindly with new trends and products. Working with the right influencers in your industry can quickly increase your brand awareness and the number of followers. However, make sure that the selected influencer uses the relevant hashtags and refers to your account, as shown here using the example of fashion blogger Helen Anderson in cooperation with Office.