
7 Important Email Marketing Techniques the Smaller Business Organizations Must Know

Email Marketing is generally considered to be one of the best ways of reaching out your marketing audience at a great ease, without spending a huge amount of money. Email marketing is considered to be one huge responsibility as people do not give their email addresses just like that to someone whom they don’t even know. So if you are among the organizations who are planning to start a newsletter of their own then these are the following things you need to keep in mind.

  • Making it easy for others to subscribe: Have a signup form on your home page, blog and Facebook page and where ever you feel your customers are active. You might here want to collect their birthdays, or invite them to join your groups making sure that you do not go crazy with the required fields. Having one long subscribed form might even scare people away.
  • Content is still considered to be the king: Now when you have the email addresses you need to think what you would be writing for them. One of the best and easy answer you could get for your question is good, engaging and punchy content. Subject lines need to be succinct but not spam. Try and avoid words like free and give away in the subject line as these could directly lead them in the spam folder.
  • Sending a welcome email: It is always good and smart enough to remind people why they are on your list and re assure that the things are in a good store. You might even send subscribers a special offer or an exclusive content as one of the ways of thanking them for their loyalty.
  • Giving them a bit of information of what they could expect: Do tell your subscribers what exactly they could expect in the future and when. Try and be honest and do not promise something that you could not deliver or else your email marketing efforts would definitely fail.
  • Making the text easy enough to read and scanning it for alt images: Do not expect that people would land up reading your emails every day just to increase your email subscribers. You could here use Facebook, twitter, google and Pinterest and other social networking sites you are here using to get in more emails. Do not be afraid to ask your followers to register on your list and do not forget to explain the benefits from doing so.
  • Designing a newsletter that fits into your brand: Your email campaigns here should match your brand look and feel. So if you are using a template you might here want to customize it according to your organization logo and colors in the header. If your emails are consistent enough with the rest of your company content then the leaders would here find it more familiar enough from the start.
  • Making it easy enough to unsubscribe: Do not try and hide the unsubscribe button believing that this would here help you keep someone on your list. Instead it’s better to have someone unsubscribed rather than having them on the spam list.

To conclude remember email marketing is something more than just sending emails as much as you can. You would here need to find out and know who your marketing audience exactly is and only then anticipate your audience need creating emails that would actually have a greater value to them. Modern email marketing is all about pitching or attracting links as much as you can and not providing value to the users.