
Digital Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing for Business Growth

Has digital marketing taken over traditional marketing methods? Some of you may agree, some of you may not. But what if both of these options met mid-way and made a hybrid? Let’s brainstorm about this. Some of you may think that with the speedy rise of Internet usage, digital marketing methods have reached an all-time high, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that traditional marketing has completely died down. Let’s consider these two options individually and then decide if making it a hybrid will be a good option or not.

Table of Contents

What Is Digital Marketing?. 1

What Is Traditional Marketing?. 1

Which One To Use? Digital Marketing Or Traditional Marketing?. 1

Pros And Cons Of Digital Marketing. 2

Pros: 2

Cons: 2

Pros And Cons Of Traditional Marketing. 2

Pros: 2

Cons: 2

Making It A Hybrid. 3



What Is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing encompasses all marketing methods that use electronic means or use of the Internet. This is done in order to reach out to existing and potential customers to expand their consumer base or market share. Digital marketing can be done through:

  • Social Media
  • Email
  • Search Engines
  • Mobile Phone Applications
  • Websites
  • Online PR
  • Affiliate Marketing

These options do not just end here, the list is probably inexhaustible.

What Is Traditional Marketing?

Traditional marketing has been prevailing since marketing first began, it’s not something new imposed on us. Hence, it’s simply a conventional mode of marketing that can assist the business in reaching its target audience easily. You may ponder how this is different from Digital Marketing? The mediums used for traditional marketing are very different than that of Digital marketing, for instance, print marketing, direct mail (brochures, postcards, letters, etc.), telemarketing, broadcast marketing (television and radio advertisements).

Which One to Use? Digital Marketing or Traditional Marketing?

It’s not true that traditional marketing methods have completely been wiped out; they are still used by various mid-sized or large corporations as they are highly likely to use television commercials as a source of marketing for a wide range of audiences. The type of marketing your business may use largely depends on its size, target market, marketing budget, and other similar factors.

For example, you have a website that provides buy assignment online services and you are looking to advertise about this, you can consider posting advertisements on social media platforms that can link back to your website, or hand out brochures that provide details about your website. Hence, digital and traditional marketing methods both can be of use, it depends on the factors mentioned above.

Pros and Cons of Digital Marketing


§  Digital Marketing Is Not Too Costly.

If you’re working on a tight budget then digital marketing means are preferable as some platforms can even be accessed free of cost. For instance, a website that provides hnd assignments help will only have to bear the costs of making a website.

§  Can Reach A Far Greater Audience.

With digital marketing, it’s not necessary for you to reach a certain demographic because its reach extends around the globe.


Time Consuming.

When you’re targeting people from all over the world, that’s going to be hectic and very draining. About 1 in 3 digital marketers say that they spend more than 11 hours online each day.

Responses May Get Difficult To Control.

Let’s say you’re lucky enough to have your content go viral, which welcomes millions of responses. Sure, you’ve reached a large number of people but it would be nearly impossible to respond to everyone, which may result in a bad reputation of your business.

Pros and Cons of Traditional Marketing


Easy To Reach Local Audience.

If you have a small scale business like that of printing, you probably don’t need extensive marketing techniques that spread your name out to different cities/countries. Therefore, using traditional marketing can help you in reaching the local audience and be light on the pocket as well.

Hard copies can be saved.

Once you see a sponsored post pop up on your Facebook timeline, its unlikely for it to keep appearing repetitively. But in traditional marketing, hard copies of your brochures, advertisements, or cutouts from newspapers can be kept to view later for references, whenever required.


Difficult To Measure The Return On Investment.

It becomes very challenging to estimate how successful your campaign has been, especially monetary terms. It is researched that on average, email marketing has a 4400% ROI.

Limited Engaging.

Traditional marketing mostly involves giving information regarding your business to the customers which constraints engagement and interaction. In the end, we can just hope they are interested in buying the product/service.

Making It a Hybrid

Let’s take into account the possibility of combining both these marketing methods to result in the most efficient and cost-effective way of publicity for your brand. Integrating them would enable people with and without Internet access to gain information about your business. You can even gain the largest number of viewers as you would be operating online and offline both. Furthermore, you can even compare with your competitors and see what methodologies they are adopting and if their results are noticeable, it would do no harm to implement them as well.

In conclusion, this decision can be highly debatable and may depend on personal preferences and business statistics. There will always be people who prefer the use of traditional methods like radios and television, simply because they find it easy to do so and some may opt for digital mediums; websites like Best Assignment Writer because it is easily accessible for them.